HRH 2019
Call for papers
Currently, a diverse innovative technologies are being used in multimedia and ubiquitous computing environments. They allow us to create a better world by providing the backbone for remarkable development in our human society where the fields of industry, business, education, government functions and healthcare or medicine are becoming more and more complex and sophisticated faster than ever before.
Thus, in this workshop, the our main object is to open a discussion over a basic convergent study that would contribute to humanity by respecting human beings and their lives, while aiding and serving the neglected or isolated people.
For this purpose, we'd like to receive a variety of meaningful and valuable manuscripts concerning the subjects such as healthcare service respecting human beings and their lives, an ethical solution to artificial intelligent and Big Data, means of aiding and serving neglected people like the disabled or elderlies, mathematical theories that deeply affect science and industries, or the historical contents that would contribute to humanity in cultural aspect. For the last subject, one could write a manuscript about Macau as it has been a historic city for many years in Asia history, for example.
In other words, what we are seeking in this workshop is the novel and fresh (non-published) manuscripts in which various ideas are being integrated and fused. Participants may write about one of the subjects listed below but not limited to them.
Workshop Chair: Prof. Jun-Ho Huh

Topics of interest include , but are not limited to:
- Healthcare service respecting human beings and their lives
- Ethical solution to artificial intelligent and Big Data
- Means of aiding and serving neglected people like the disabled or elderlies
- Mathematical theories that would deeply affect science and industries
- The historical contents that would contribute to humanity in cultural aspect
- Energy Harvesting Business, Energy Harvesting Eonomy, Humanity et al.
CFP: Download

***Author(s) MUST select topic as "HRH 2019" at the submssion system****.
SXRT 2019
Call for papers
This workshop aims to discuss about the technology to develop superintelligent systems. Especially, we focus on the technologies of superintelligent systems on extended reality (XR) and multimedia. User interfaces (Lidar, motion sensors, etc.), security, and music generation could be software systems for superintelligent XR technologies (SXRTs). To develop SXRTs, diverse kinds of sub-systems should be integrated as one solution based on the field of communication, computer science, software engineering and information technology. Through this workshop, we would like to provide the chance to discuss about the SXRT.
Workshop Chair: Prof. Yunsick Sung

Topics of interest include , but are not limited to:
- Superintelligents for XR Technology
- Human-centric and Intelligent Natural User Interfaces
- Security for the XR Technology
- Music Generation for the XR Technology
- Multimedia Authoring Tools
- Applications based on Intelligent System Technology
CFP: Download

***Author(s) MUST select topic as "SXRT 2019" at the submssion system****.
IPV 2019 : The 2019 International Workshop on Intelligent Prediction and Visualization
Call for papers
Recently, intelligent prediction, automatic recommendation and intelligent information visualization have been attracted attention in many application fields, as AI technologies have been evolved.
The Workshop is mainly concerned with recent advances and challenges in the intelligent prediction, automatic recommendation and intelligent information visualization. With respect to tools and techniques, a special emphasis will be on modern artificial intelligence, computational intelligence calculi of uncertainty, data analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery, machine learning, information aggregation and fusion, multimedia information processing, Web technology and intelligence, cognitive and affective computing, multiagent systems, ontologies for intelligent systems, "big data" and Visualization, etc.
For this purpose, we’d like to gather the manuscripts on the latest researches, projects, the industry trend related to intelligent prediction and visualization etc.
Workshop Chair: Prof. Nammee Moon

We expect that many participants submit articles which introduce theories, research results, projects, industry status, and creative ideas related to the following topics, but are not limited to :
- Healthcare service respecting human beings and their lives
- Ethical solution to artificial intelligent and Big Data
- Means of aiding and serving neglected people like the disabled or elderlies
- Mathematical theories that would deeply affect science and industries
- The historical contents that would contribute to humanity in cultural aspect
- Energy Harvesting Business, Energy Harvesting Eonomy, Humanity et al.
CFP: Download

***Author(s) MUST select topic as "IPV 2019" at the submssion system****.
Call for Workshops / Special Sessions(Pending)
In conjunction with CSA 2019, we will organize some workshops.
The workshop proposals should be submitted to Prof. Yunsick Sung( .
Several workshops will be held in conjunction with CSA 2019 with the aim to explore special topics and provide international forums for scientists, engineers, and computer users to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results on hot topics on Future Information Technology.
Workshops for presenting papers from industrial companies and papers on implementations of systems and services are very welcome.
One workshop MUST have at least 6 registered papers.
Otherwise, the papers will be moved to the another workshop.
All accepted papers will be published by Springer as Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) Post-Proceedings (indexed by EI-Compendex and SCOPUS).
High quality papers will be recommended special issue of SCI(E) Journal.
- It will be decided by Workshop organizers.
In general, a workshop takes one day, although multiple-days and half-day workshops are welcome.
The workshop proposal should include following information:
1. Title of the workshop: International Workshop on ...
2. Workshop Organizers(s): name, affiliation, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail.
3. Brief description of the workshop (several hundred words)
4. Expected number of papers to be submitted
5. Call for paper of the workshop (draft version - 1 page CFP MS Word version)
6. Tentative list of program committee members (Name, affiliation, country, email address)
7. Your workshop web address (Tentative)
Each workshop will start to distribute a call for paper after receiving the notification.Papers submitted to each workshop will be reviewed by the program committee and external reviewers of the workshop.
Important Schedule